FAQs - General
If I switch from Spectrum/Charter internet to Sherburne Fiber, how will I watch my favorite television and cable programs?
Moving from Spectrum cable programming to streaming these channels over Sherburne Fiber known as “Cutting the Cord”, is a simple process. With a Sherburne Fiber internet connection, you access the same channels and program packages over your internet connection, in some cases for less than you currently pay for cable TV.
One of the big advantages of a Sherburne Fiber connection is the increased connection speeds and unlimited data plans. You can watch your favorite shows over your Sherburne Fiber connection without worrying about monthly data cap limits.
Below is a list of articles and other resources to help you learn all you need to know about accessing all your favorite channels over your Sherburne Fiber internet connection.
In addition to the links above, you can download a “cutting the cord” overview guide by clicking Here.
If I switch to Sherburne Fiber can I keep my home telephone?
If you have a home phone land line through your local telephone company, you shouldn’t need to do anything to keep your phone. If your home phone service is bundled as part of your Spectrum/Charter internet services, and you want to keep your home phone service, you will need to switch to another VoIP (voice over internet protocol) service provider. This is a simple and easy process.
The two largest and most popular VoIP providers are Ooma and Vonage. Below are links for both companies with detailed instructions on how to switch your telephone service.
Company Website: https://www.ooma.com/
YouTube Setup Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PyE4zurGz8
Company Website: https://www.vonageforhome.com/
YouTube Overview Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0IWDXdnHSA&t=8s
How do I access my SherburneConnect account?
Go to portal.sherburnefiber.com
How do I shop for internet service providers (ISPs) or see what other speed offerings are available?
Login to your account at portal.sherburnefiber.com
How do I change my payment method or update my credit card for SherburneConnect?
Login to your account at portal.sherburnefiber.com
What if my intenet is not working?
More often than not, internet problems are actually WiFi router problems. Start by unplugging your router (not the VBG), count to 10, and plug it back in.
If that doesn’t work, unplug the VBG, count to 10 and plug it back in.
View VBG status at portal.sherburnefiber.com You should see under Subscribed Services;

The VBG (black box like a modem) is shown below. It should have lights on like shown here: